Thiago has more than 14 years of experience as a Venture Capital and
Private Equity
manager. Since joining Igah Ventures in 2017, Thiago has been responsible for closing
investments and serving as a board member to portfolio companies including Conexa,
Infracommerce and
Ambar. Having previously worked at TPG Capital, TPG Growth, Kinea Investimentos e AIG
Investments in
Brazil, he participated in the sourcing, execution, monitoring and divestment of several
investments by
those firms. Thiago is a Kauffman Fellow, holds an MBA with Honors from the University
of Chicago Booth
School of Business, with concentrations in finance, economics and entrepreneurship, and
holds a B.B.A.
from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV-EAESP) in São Paulo, Brazil